For a pipeline:
- Is it above ground or below ground?
- Is it in an abusive environment?
- Does the insulation need to be sealed?
- What is the inside temperature of the pipe?
- What is the outside temperature of the pipe?
- What is the outside & inside temperature you wish to maintain? — what is the ambient air temperature or ground temperature? — will you have re-heating stations on the line?
- What is the flow rate in the pipe?
Consider also that all elbows, valves and other fittings can be insulated with TC Ceramic just by spraying them without having to create or manufacture some special insulation box. TC Ceramic would also be anti-corrosive as it is impervious to water, thus seals the pipe. It is also when sealed, resistant to bugs or small animals from trying to live in it which is normal for foam insulation. The foam also slowly becomes water saturated which then ceases to insulate.
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